
Saturday, October 17, 2015


Hello everyone, Becky here with you at last, so sorry I am late, I have been down to Bristol on a course all week and only got back home last night literally minutes before midnight. Today I have been spending time with my babies, and wading through the washing baskets, lol.

As you know by now the brief Sandy has given us for this week is to surprise her, and I have been wanting to make one of these for a while, and I knew me making something like this will be a surprise to quite a few people.

If you haven't seen these around blogland they are called Pocket Letters. They can be to send little bits and bobs to a Pocket Letter pal, but I have just made this to look pretty instead.

The swirls are from a Stempleglede set of stamps, as is the sentiment, I have srpinkled Frantage on here too.

This is another Stempelglede sentiment, the options and choices for the pockets quite simply are endless.

Thank you for popping by,


Becky xx

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