
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Confirmation Card for a Girl

Is it Thursday again???? Where did this week go?
It's my day here at LLC, and this week I'm sharing a Confirmation Card for a Girl with you.
This one was a bit of a challenge, since the girl who will be receiving this card doesn't like flowers or pink/purple!
I mean COMMON!! Who doesn't like that???
Thanks to this weeks' theme here at LLC, which is pearls, I solved this challenge like this:

 The card base is as always a paperbag, white this time. I have used papers from Maja if that came as a shock to you? Haha... can never get enough of Vintage Summer Basic!
A white cardboard has found its way under my picture, as some word-stripes in Norwegian saying: Congratulations! You are unique. Confirmation. Anno 2013

 Isn't she lovely?! I absolutely love these digis, and of course the image sheets from Pion Design as well!
Even though I enjoy colouring every now and then, and I really admire my fellow DT girls skills when it comes to colouring, I will always be a "Vintage Image" girl.

Here are some closeups, and notice the lovely pearls from Melissa Frances:

 As always, it's my pleasure to bring some inspiration to our lovely readers. 
I would also like to say thank you to every single one of you that leave us such nice comments. 
It can be hard to comment back on all of them, but they mean the world to us <3

Hugs & Kisses