
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Flower Frame in 2014

Hello lovely readers, it's Elin with you this Saturday. 
This week we are playing with Pion Designs's Flower Frame collection, and I got another calendar to show you. It's my new big thing, calendars that is ;)
I have to apologize for the bad picture quality this time, as the photo light here is still OH so crappy. That means that my pictures are heavy edited! Calendar made with flower frame papers in light tones here. The image is from Pion Designs vintage image sheet named "Ladies".
 Background stamps from Inkido and flower buttons from Prima.
Loads of gorgeous new laces, and a few of the old ones too, are to be find in the store. 
Behind the papers I have used a currogated cardboard piece, with I love to work into my projects these days ;)
 Lovely key-charm with a coat of gesso.
Thank you for stopping by today. 
Wishing you all a great weekend, while some of us have to spend it at work...

Hugs & Kisses


  1. So pretty - corrugated cardboard is such wonderful stuff!
    Alison x

  2. Just stunning! I'd like so have this one hanging in my room :) Hugs,

  3. Beautiful!! How did you do the actual calendar? Or did you purchase it?

  4. Thank you guys :o) The calendar is purchased Leanner, on Ebay If I remember correctly ;)
